Suara Rakyat Kunak

Suara Rakyat Kunak
Suara Rakyat Suara Keramat

ESPN's Bottom Line Widget

Rakan Blooger ( Suara Rakyat Kunak )

Jumaat, 22 Januari 2016



1) Pegawai undang-undang negeri (PUU) diberi kuasa oleh pendakwa raya di bawah Kanun Tatacara Jenayah untuk menjalankan pendakwaan bagi kesalahan-kesalahan di bawah ordinan negeri daripada peringkat pertuduhan di mahkamah rendah sehingga ke peringkat rayuan.

2) Dipersetujui penurunan kuasa kepada pegawai negeri bagi mewakili SPA dan SPP untuk melantik pegawai ke Perkhidmatan Awam Persekutuan termasuk ke perkhidmatan perguruan dan kesihatan.

3) Perjawatan di Jabatan Imigresen Negeri Sarawak diperkukuhkan bagi menambahbaik fungsi penguatkuasaan di negeri berkenaan dengan pertambahan 100 jawatan baharu, penempatan sepenuhnya pada akhir Februari 2016.

4) Jumlah guru anak kelahiran Sarawak bertugas di Negeri Sarawak akan ditingkatkan kepada ratio 90% daripada jumlah keseluruhan guru di Negeri Sarawak menjelang tahun 2018. Sebagai langkah memastikan sasaran ini tercapai, maka guru sandaran daripada pasaran terbuka akan dipertimbangkan dari masa ke semasa.

5) Pemberian kuasa warden lalulintas kepada pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) Negeri Sarawak akan diberi kepada Majlis Bandaraya Miri selain daripada Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara dan Majlis Bandaraya Kuching Selatan.

6) Kerajaan Negeri akan dirujuk sebelum permohonan mendapatkan Permit Perikanan Laut Dalam dibawa ke pertimbangan dalam Jawatankuasa Penilaian Permit Laut Dalam (JPPLD).

7) Kerajaan Negeri akan dirujuk dalam proses penggubalan undang-undang Persekutuan yang mempunyai implikasi kepada Negeri Sarawak dimana diperuntukkan oleh undang-undang.

8) Perancangan projek-projek pembangunan Kerajaan Persekutuan di Negeri Sarawak akan memberi keutamaan kepada Pelan Pembangunan 5 Tahun Negeri Sarawak berdasarkan kepada peruntukan yang diluluskan. Pelaksanaan projek akan dirujuk/dirunding bersama antara Kementerian dan Kerajaan Negeri seperti penentuan lokasi sekolah, hospital serta pelaksanaan projek-projek pembangunan yang lain.

9) Kementerian akan mengambil langkah-langkah penambahbaikan bagi meningkatkan jumlah kemasukan pelajar dari kalangan anak-anak Negeri Sarawak ke program ijazah sarjana muda perubatan di universiti awam tempatan. Anak-anak negeri akan diberi peluang yang lebih besar bagi memasuki program pengajian foundation di UNIMAS.

10) Bersetuju untuk mengenalpasti bidang-bidang berkaitan yang boleh diwakilkan Kuasa Ketua Pengarah Di Bawah Seksyen 49 Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 kepada pegawai / jabatan negeri.

11) Pelaksanaan pembangunan projek perumahan awam di Sarawak dilaksanakan semula melalui Joint Committee Meeting (JCM), agar agensi negeri dapat terlibat sepenuhnya dalam aspek perancangan, pelaksanaan dan pemantauan program-program perumahan awam di negeri Sarawak.

12) Bersetuju supaya pembangunan sukan di Negeri Sarawak ditadbir bersama dengan Kerajaan Negeri. Kementerian Belia dan Sukan juga sedang dalam proses menambahbaik Akta Pembangunan Sukan 1997 dan dijangka selesai pada akhir tahun 2016.

13) Bersetuju supaya Kerajaan Negeri akan melaksanakan semua fungsi di bawah Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat. Semua perjawatan akan dipindahkan kepada Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri. Kerajaan Persekutuan akan menyumbang 50% kos yang ditanggung seperti diputuskan oleh Majlis Kewangan Negara.

[This message was obtained from the CMO quoting CM Adenan in verbatim

"We have begun a series of talks with the PM and myself with regards to such rights under the Constitution, Malaysia Agreement, the Inter-Governmental Committee Report , the Cobbold Commission recommendations and the autonomous position of Sarawak in Malaysia. The talks will be carried out in three phases. The first phase is on administrative powers and the second stage on our rights under the constitution. The results of the first phase of talk held yesterday at the PM’s as office as detailed below were quite positive:

Provision of administrative empowerment to the State Government of Sarawak.

1. State Legal Officers are to be authorized by the Public Prosecutor under the Criminal Procedure Code to conduct prosecution for offences under state ordinances from the stage a person is charged in the lower court until the appeal stage.

2. It is agreed for the delegation of power to state officers to represent the Public Service Commission and the Education Service Commission in the appointment of officers to the Federal Civil Service including the teaching and medical services.

3. Posts in the Sarawak Immigration Department will be enhanced to improve the enforcement functions in the State with an increase of 100 new posts, with full deployment by the end of February 2016.

4. The ratio of Sarawak-born teachers serving in Sarawak will be increased to 90% of the total number of teachers in Sarawak by 2018. To ensure that this target is achieved, temporary teachers from the open market will be considered from time to time and obtain their Diploma in Education while teaching.

5. Traffic warden powers for Sarawak Local Authorities will be given to the Miri City Council, apart from Kuching North City Hall and Kuching South City Council.

6. The State Government will be consulted before an application for a Deep Sea Fishing Permit is forwarded to the Deep Sea Permit Evaluation Committee for consideration.

7. The State Government will be consulted in the drafting of Federal legislation which has bearing or impact on the State Government of Sarawak, where provided by law.

8. The planning of federal development projects in the  State of Sarawak will give priority to the 5-Year Sarawak State Development Plan based on the approved budget. Implementation of the projects will be referred / negotiated between the Ministry and the State Government such as determining the location of schools, hospitals and the implementation of other development projects.

9. The Ministry will take the necessary measures to increase the number of student enrollment from amongst the Sarawakians into medical degree programs in public universities. Sarawakians would be given a greater opportunity to enter foundation studies programmes in UNIMAS.

10. It is agreed that relevant areas that can be delegated will be identified for delegating the power  of the Director General under Section 49 of the Environmental Quality Act 1974 to the State officers / departments.

11. Development of housing projects in Sarawak to be re-implemented through a Joint Committee Meeting, to ensure that State agencies are fully involved in the planning, implementation and monitoring aspects of these projects in the State of Sarawak.

12. It is agreed that the development of sports in the State of Sarawak is jointly managed with the State Government. The Ministry of Youth and Sports is also in the process of enhancing the Sports Development Act 1997 which is expected to be completed by the end of 2016.

13. It is agreed that the State Government will carry out all functions under the Department of Social Welfare. All posts will be transferred to the State Civil Service. The Federal Government will contribute 50% of the costs incurred as decided by the National Finance Council."]

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